Tips for Finding Roofers in Cleveland

by | May 14, 2015 | Roofing


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With many Roofers Clevaland to select from, you may be confused as to which contractor is right for your home or business. Narrowing the options can seem like an insurmountable task. Following are tips to make this process easier and ensure you get the right roofer for your needs the very first time.

• Obtain estimates from a minimum of three companies. Pay attention to what materials they’ll be using, what will be included in the cost and what type of warranty they offer on their products and services. Never accept anything less than a written estimate, as you want to ensure the price doesn’t change once the work begins.

• Never accept the lowest bid for your roofing project. When you gather estimates from various Roofers Clevaland, expect the prices to be within 20 percent of the others. If one bid is significantly below this, determine if there will be hidden costs, if the materials are of inferior grade or if the work will be substandard.

• Determine when payment is due. Some want a percentage of the money before work begins, yet others don’t require payment until 30 days after the work is complete. Experts say it is not uncommon for a roofer to now ask for a third up front, a third when the work is halfway done and a third upon completion. Never pay a roofer in full before any work begins, however, as you may never see him or her again!

• Make sure the contractor has all of the necessary insurance and licenses. Never just take their word for it. You need to follow up and verify this information along with their contractor’s registration number to ensure you have recourse if something does go wrong.

• When you plan to have the roof replaced, you need to know how many layers are already present. Net, you need to find out if these layers will be removed or if the new roof will be installed over them. When three layers are present, it’s time to remove the old roofing materials and check the roof foundation.

• Ask about flashing and venting, as there are two common problems associated with roof deterioration. If these items aren’t listed on estimates, ask.

Take care when choosing a roofer. You are protecting your home and need the right contractor for the job. By following these tips, you can easily find him or her.

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