Keep Your Home And Property Pest Free With Affordable Curbside Pickup Service

by | Dec 7, 2016 | Waste Management Service


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Sanitation is an important factor in owning a home. Without proper trash removal, a home could quickly become an unsafe location to live, especially for elderly family members or children. When trash sits around a home, whether indoors or outdoors, it can attract a variety of pests and breed bacteria. This bacteria can quickly start to affect the health of the people residing in the home, often causing illnesses over prolonged periods of time. Hiring a reputable sanitation service can help alleviate this issue, by providing homeowners with weekly or bi-weekly pickups of garbage that can help keep their home safe and clean. Many sanitation services offer bi-weekly service to help homeowners from having garbage building up in their trash cans or bins, preventing stray animals or wild animals from creating a mess by trying to get into them.

In most cases, sanitation companies will offer Curbside Pickup Service for most rural and suburban areas. Trash can pickup is the most common form of sanitation maintenance, especially for small families that produce the normal amount of garbage. Most companies will provide a trash bin for sanitation use, built to be picked up and emptied by the truck itself to cut down on labor costs. In some areas, some companies will have the homeowners provide their own trash cans and limit the number of cans and amount of trash to help reduce overloading their trucks. A trash bin is similar to a trash can, just slightly larger in order to hold more refuse in them.

Some sanitation companies offer more options than the usual Curbside Pickup Service that most families are used to. Some offer residential dumpsters, which are small two to six yard dumpsters ideal for larger families or families that produce above average amounts of garbage. These dumpsters have large plastic or rubber flaps on top, to help protect from weather and stray animals that may be interested in what is inside the cart. There will be restrictions on what can go into the dumpster, similar to the restrictions placed on normal curbside trash can pickup. These restrictions help prevent hazardous material from entering nature via landfills, especially where local wildlife is concerned. For more information, please visit or their Google+ page to learn more.