Three Compelling Reasons To Inquire With A Local Residential Roofing Service in Barrington IL About Cedar Shake Roofs

by | May 12, 2015 | Roofing


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Has the time come for you to replace the existing roof on your home? Do you simply want a new look for your home’s exterior? No matter the reason that you are investing in a new roof, it’s important to realize that the material you choose will have a huge impact on both beauty and function. With that said, cedar shakes are a wonderful choice for those homeowners who want a roof that will fulfill both of those roles. If you have yet to consider the merits of a cedar shake roof, read on to find out how it may be beneficial to your home.

     *      Exceptional Beauty:

     *      These days, nearly every home you see seems to have a traditional asphalt shingle roof. Although it gets the job done, it doesn’t make your home stand out. Cedar roofs are made of a natural material, and they bring that natural beauty to your roof. In a neighborhood full or asphalt shingles, your cedar shakes installed by a professional Residential Roofing Service in Barrington IL will stand out and give your home a tremendous amount of curb appeal that’s hard to find with other types of roofing material.

     *      Great Energy Efficiency:

     *      Your roof not only protects your home from danger, it also keeps it insulated. Fortunately, cedar shake roofs are great at accomplishing this task. Because of its thermal insulation abilities, cedar makes a great option for those who want lower energy bills. Because of the great thermal insulation, your HVAC system won’t have to use as much energy to keep you comfortable. In turn, you may reap the benefit of lower bills in the long run.

     *      Unmatched Durability:

     *      As any Residential Roofing Service in Barrington IL will tell you, cedar roofs do require quite an investment. However, the fact that cedar is so durable makes it a worthy one. In choosing a cedar shake roof, you can rest assured that your roofing material will be able to withstand the elements, as well as resisting rot and insect infestation. Because you’ll be able to keep your cedar roof for a very long time, you can be sure that you are making a cost-effective purchase.

When it comes to choosing roofing materials for your home, cedar’s significant advantages make it hard to beat. Visit website to learn and discover more about how a cedar shake roof can add both exceptional beauty and practical function to your home.