Many roofs are expected to have a lifespan of 20 years, while others can last even longer – some very expensive roofs can actually be expected to last forever. What this depends on, though, is making sure that your roof is regularly inspected and maintained. Lombard has the same extremes in weather as Chicago, and this huge variation in temperature can put great pressure on a roof and reduce its viability over time. Most homeowners will have a warranty from the contractor who built their roof, but these warranties are normally dependent upon regular inspections and maintenance of the roof.
What can affect the life of a roof?
Extremes in temperature, wind damage, home ventilation and insulation and nearby trees can all play a part in the deterioration of a roof. In an area where there are high snow falls, it is better to have a high-pitched roof (think Switzerland) as low-pitched roofs can accumulate snow and ice. Any build-up of water or snow can cause a roof to fail.
As a roof is such a large investment for a homeowner, all professional roofers recommend that proper records are kept. These would include the warranties, the inspections that have taken place and a history of the maintenance, including the phone numbers of previous roofers who have been used. Sometimes a roofer will provide photographs with an inspection that highlight possible problem areas, and these can be used effectively in subsequent inspections. Fortunately, problems with a roof, such as a leak, can often not be very serious or costly to repair. It could be as simple as a shingle coming loose or that the flashing is open.
Choosing a professional roofer in Lombard
Just as you would with many other aspects of your life, choosing an expert for roof repairs in Lombard is always the best course of action. You should check that your contractor is licensed and has proof of insurance before the inspection begins. A professional roofer will be able to analyze construction plans and will even be able to ensure that the specifications of the beams, trusses and rafters are correct. They will have a knowledge of damp, water and weather-proofing as well as knowing how to repair slate, tile and shingles and resurfaced roofs. Checking on the work that a roofer has done previously and how satisfied the client base is would be a final check that the homeowner could make. Of course, once you have built up a relationship with a company that provides excellent service, it would be easiest to call on them in the future, especially as the roofer would then have an in-depth knowledge of your particular roof.
Contact Showalter Roofing Services for roof repairs in Lombard. They cover many areas of Illinois, and have years of experience. Click here for more information.