In order to maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of your kitchen, it is extremely important to prevent fruit flies from breeding in and infesting your kitchen. If you happen to leave any fruit or food substance outside, these fruit flies seem to appear from nowhere and are suddenly everywhere. Once in, they manage to find one or another source to keep them inside the kitchen. Getting rid of these can be an extremely difficult task. The best idea is to prevent fruit flies from coming into your kitchen in the first place. And the best way to do this is to maintain a clean kitchen where the flies will find nothing to attract them.
Keep Fly Food Out Of Reach to Prevent Fruit Flies
In order to make sure that you don’t attract fruit flies into your kitchen, keep everything that fruit flies like stored safely inside the refrigerator or a sealed container. If you have any fruits and lying on the kitchen counter, they will instantly attract a swarm of fruit flies. Store all your fruits inside the refrigerator with the exception of bananas which can be stored in someplace that is dry and bright if possible to minimize fruit flies.
Wash the bowls, plates and knives that have been used with fruits immediately after use. If there is any fruit juice spilled on the counter, clean it immediately. This way you will greatly prevent fruit flies from coming into your kitchen.
If possible, store the fruit waste consisting of peeled skins, pips and partially eaten remnants of fruit in a trash can outside the house. This will also make sure that fruit flies if any would remain outside the house. Wash and clean the sink after every use to prevent fruit flies there. In short, keep your kitchen as clean and dry as possible. This will give the fruit flies no place to feed, breed and multiply. Cleanliness is the best way to prevent fruit flies and maintain hygiene in your household and surroundings.
Use Fly Traps to Prevent Fruit Flies
In spite of taking all the precautions and keeping as clean as possible, it isn’t always easy to keep fruit flies from coming into your kitchen. What you need to do then is to strategically use some measures such as fruit fly traps or strips. Using such traps can help you get rid of what true of fruit flies managed to sneak into your kitchen and to prevent fruit flies from multiplying. For some apple cider vinegar in a bowl, cover it with plastic wrap and punch a few holes in it. This will trap a number of flies so you can drain the bowl out and repeat if necessary. Using the apple cider vinegar trap or fruit fly strips that emit vapors that can kill flies can help you effectively prevent fruit flies from breeding and multiplying in your kitchen.